The Good Life Magazine is a biannual student-run magazine that publishes high-quality, solutions-based journalism. The Good Life Magazine works to uncover the beauty of the Syracuse community while exploring difficult and complex topics in every issue.
Editor-in-Chief (Fall 2023-Spring 2024)

For the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 issues, I was Editor-in-Chief of The Good Life Magazine. In this position, I oversaw all staff in every team including writers, editors, art, fashion, social media & PR, and graphic design teams. As EIC, I developed the issue theme, handled the budgeting and reregistration of the organization, creatively planned the photoshoot, and managed the master InDesign document of the magazine for eventual print.
As EIC, every individual article was copy-edited, line-edited, fact-checked, and proofread by myself and my fellow editors. This process continues until the graphics team begins design for the pages of the magazine, which also undergoes a long process of drafts and edits until completion of the magazine. Throughout these processes, I served as the central communicator between teams, using email and Slack to connect my staff and keep every member of the process up to date and on deadline.

The Good Life Magazine: Spring 2024
Produced from London, UK.

The Good Life Magazine: Fall 2023
The Good Life Fall 2023 Dark Academia Photoshoot
This photoshoot features the combined effort of a photographer, fashion director, our executive team, and models. With my background and focus on text-centric, editing-based work, creatively planning and culminating this shoot and the final product photographs was entirely out of my comfort zone. The shoot brought my creative ideas to life, following my chosen theme for the magazine – Dark Academia – and my developing eye for art into the printed final product.

Other bylined articles in The Good Life Magazine from Fall 2021 – Spring 2023:
“OrangeSeeds SU,” published in the Fall 2022 issue of The Good Life Magazine.